A selection of recent and reasonably recent books by CSOG members, participants and associates
Book: Cambridge Social Ontology: An Introduction to Social Positioning Theory (Economics as Social Theory)
Author: Yannick Slade-Caffarel 2024
"This book is an introduction to the key features of social positioning theory, provides context to the theory's development and illustrates how social positioning theory can clarify the natures of phenomena as disparate as gender and the corporation."
Book: The Nature of Social Reality: Issues in Social Ontology
Author: Tony Lawson 2019
“In this book Tony lawson develops the theory of social positioning, indicating that it is essential to understanding the nature of money, the firm, and indeed all social phenomena. Various implications of the theory are elaborated including those bearing on the possibility of emancipatory social change”
Book: Technology and Isolation
Author: Clive Lawson 2017
A new theory of the nature of technology developed by reconsidering the theme of isolation in the philosophy of technology, and by drawing upon recent developments in social ontology.
Book: Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy
Author: Dave Elder-Vass 2016
A ground breaking framework for analysing diverse economic systems: a political economy of practices
Book: What is Neoclassical Economics?
Author: Jamie Morgan 2015
A number of prominent economists and philosophers engage Tony Lawson’s recent re-conceptualisation of the nature of neoclassical economics
Book: The Nature and State of Modern Economics
Author: Tony Lawson 2015
Social ontology to used to reveal the nature of modern economics, the source of its failures and manner by which the disciplined can be rendered once more of relevance.
Book: Commerce and Community
Editors: Robert F. Garnett, Paul Lewis, Lenore T. Ealy 2015
This book explores the overlapping notions of cooperation, rationality, identity, reciprocity, trust, and exchange that emerge from multiple traditions within and across their respective disciplines.
Book: Social Ontology and Modern Economics
Editor: Stephen Pratten. 2014
A book on social ontology and modern economics, edited by Stephen Pratten that conveys the nature of the Cambridge conception of social ontology, collecting together various papers by CSOG participants.
Book: The Cambridge Revival of Political Economy
Author: Nuno Martins. 2013
Nuno Martins demonstrates amongst other things that social ontology in all but name is the basis of classical political economy
Books: The Causal Powers of Social Structures (2010), and The Reality of Social Construction (2012)
Author: Dave Elder-Vass
Two recent books on social ontology by Dave Elder-Vass aiming to bring greater clarity to social science
Book: Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and his critics
Editor: Edward Fullbrook 2009
A set of debates between Tony Lawson and others - Bruce Caldwell, Bjorn-Ivar Davidson, John B. Davis, Paul Downward, Andrew Mearman, Bernard Guerrien, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Bruce R. Mcfarling, David Ruccio, Irene Van Staveren, and Jack Vromen - on a range of issues relating to social ontology.
Book: Contributions to Social Ontology
Editors: Clive Lawson, John Latsis and Nuno Martins 2007
Contributions to social ontology by many of the field's most prominent contributors including Margaret Archer and Roy Bhaskar.
Book: Transforming Economics
Editor: Paul Lewis 2004
A collection of papers by a variety of economists all focussed upon assessing and commenting upon the contribution of the project in social ontology sometimes systematised as critical realism in economics .
Book: The Nature of Money
Author: Geoffrey Ingham. 2004
Geoffrey Ingham draws on neglected traditions in the social sciences to develop a theory of the 'social relation' of money.
Books: Economics and Reality (1997) and Reorienting Economics (2003).
Author: Tony Lawson
Tony Lawson sets out his case for an ontological turn in economics in particular and in social theory in general