A three-day Summer School on Cambridge Social Ontology will be held in Cambridge UK, in August 2024. It will be immediately followed by an associated two-day workshop on Current issues and developments in social positioning theory. The five-day event will be hosted by the
Speaker: Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol)
Title: Repositioning knowledge and expertise in economics
The seminar will start at 8pm, but drinks will be available from 7:30 pm.
Speaker: Tony Lawson (Cambridge)
Title: Doing economics differently (or: Why bother with social ontology
The seminar will start at 8pm, but drinks will be available from 7:30 pm.
Speaker: Lynne Chester (University of Sydney)
Title: Heterodox Economics: Legacy and Prospects
Attendance at this event is free, but requires registration.
Speakers: Jason Allen (Singapore Management University) and Tully Rector (Utrecht University)
Title: Bitcoin and the Nature of Money
Attendance at this event is free, but requires registration.
Speaker: Nuno Martins (Cambridge University)
Title: Cambridge economics and the reconstruction of economic theory
Speaker: Tony Lawson (Cambridge University)
Title: Whatever happened to neoclassical economics?
Speaker: Jana Bacevic (Cambridge University)
Title: Valuation, Epistemic Positioning, and Inequalities
Speaker: Stephen Pratten (Kings College London)
Title: Money, Social Positioning and Trust
Speaker: Simon Deakin (Cambridge University)
Title: The Ontology of the Corporation